Due to several recent NFL player incidents, the topic of Domestic Violence has been in the public’s eye. Allegations of Domestic Violence are serious and should not be made frivolously. Issues may arise when the alleged act was in fact in retaliation to the act of another. An Ocean County Judge stated that a defendant who is facing a...
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A little humor never hurt, right? Not every blog needs to be about a current New Jersey Case or recent updates to Matrimonial or Personal Injury statues. Many jobs are stressful and if you are unable to sit back and have a laugh now and then, your career may be short lived. We are here to help. Contact us...
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We have all received the birds and bees lecture from our parents, but none of us could imagine that what happened in this case could be possible. A New Jersey Family Court Judge ruled that a man, identified as the father of twin girls, had in fact fathered only one of them. The twins’ mother was in a relationship...
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With warmer weather and summer around the corner, concerts on the Jersey Shore will be rocking. Many families will attend these concerts and see performances of all different varieties. However, as seen by the parents in this case, custody battles can bring out the worst in people. In a recent New Jersey Case, the Court ruled that a mother...
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After a complaint for divorce has been filed, the next step is to serve the other party. In many cases a process server will be hired to serve the summons and complaint for divorce at the address of the other party. However, there are instances where the location of the other party is unknown. After showing the Court you...
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Many people do not know where to begin when contemplating divorcing their spouse or dissolving their civil union partnership. The grounds for Divorce in New Jersey can be based on, among other causes, adultery, imprisonment, or most commonly, irreconcilable differences. However, the New Jersey statute stating the grounds for dissolution of Civil Unions does not include irreconcilable differences. The...
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In some instances a New Jersey Superior Court Judge will “impute” or assign an income to a party in order to calculate such things as child support and/or alimony. The Judge, however, must explain/justify the reason(s) why he/she imputed the amount in question to that individual. In terms of child support, pursuant to the New Jersey Court Rules, a...
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In all divorce, dissolution of a civil union, divorce from bed and board, legal separation from a partner in a civil union or nullity the court may award one or more of the following types of alimony: Permanent, open durational alimony, rehabilitative alimony, limited duration alimony or reimbursement alimony to either party. Each form of alimony, pursuant to N.J.S.A....
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At the conclusion of any matrimonial matter, in the State of New Jersey, the Court can grant either a Judgment of Divorce or a Divorce from Bed and Board. A Judgment of Divorce is considered by the courts to be an absolute divorce severing all ties between the parties. However, a Divorce from Bed and Board is considered by...
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For more than 30 years divorcing parents in New Jersey have been required to contribute towards the cost of college for their children. However, in the recent ruling of Black v. Black the Court added a new twist. The case involved a mother who was requesting college money for her adult son who had a damaged relationship with his...
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